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Third Party Integrations

IMMIX Integration

Prior to enabling the IMMIX integration, ensure the inbound and outbound connections listed below are properly configured:

Inbound (Must be forwarded from the IMMIX IP Address to the XV Gateway)

  • HTTPS: TCP/443

    • Used by IMMIX to gather camera and alert information from the XV Gateway

  • RTSP: TCP/554 and UDP/554

    • Video streaming from XV Gateway to IMMIX

  • Source: Hostname provided by your IMMIX provider


  • SMTP: TCP/25

    • Alerts from XV Gateway to IMMIX

    • If your ISP blocks port 25, try port 1025.

    • If port 1025 is also blocked, contact your ISP

  • Destination: Same address used in the SMTP Server field in Dealer Admin Final Setup

Dealer Admin Initial Setup

Note: All cameras need to be added to the XV Gateway before adding it to your IMMIX account.

  1. In Dealer Admin, go to the XV Gateway Settings page.

  2. Under Options, click the Configure IMMIX button.

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Configure IMMIX Button

  1. Click the Enable IMMIX Monitoring toggle to turn it on.

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Enable IMMIX Monitoring Toggle


  1. Log in to IMMIX.

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IMMIX Log In Page

  1. Under the Setup tab, click Add a Site.

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Add a Site

  1. In Site Details, select a parent site that the site will be created under.

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Select a Parent Site

  1. At Site Details, add a Name for the site along with any additional information. Then, click Next.

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Add Site Details

  1. (OPTIONAL) At Upload a Logo For This Site, click Upload to add a logo. If you do not want to upload a logo, click Next.

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Upload a Logo

  1. (OPTIONAL) At Current Notes, click Add a Note to add notes to the site. If you do not want to add notes, click Next.

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Add Site Notes

  1. At Current Devices, click Add a Device.

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Add a Device

  1. At Device Details, enter the following information.

    • At Device Type Filter, click Show All.

    • At Device Type, use the drop-down menu to select Camect.

    • Give the device a Title.

    • At IP/Host, enter the WAN your gateway is connected to.

    • At Port, enter 443.

    • At Username, enter immix.

    • At Password, enter the MAC Address.

    • At Video Settings, check the Use Passthrough checkbox.

    • On the right side of the screen, click Get Config. This will find your gateway and all of the devices connected to it. Once it has been connected, click Done.

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Add Device Details

  1. Navigate to the Summary tab. This will have all of the additional information needed to configure the integration in Dealer Admin.

  2. Keep the Summary tab open and navigate back to Dealer Admin.

Dealer Admin Final Setup

  1. Use the Summary tab in IMMIX to enter the following information in the Configure IMMIX Monitoring pop-up in Dealer Admin:

    • Device ID (Identifier in IMMIX)

    • SMTP Server (SMTP Server Address based on your IMMIX provider)

    • SMTP Port (set to 25)

  2. (OPTIONAL) At IMMIX SMTP Username and IMMIX SMTP Password, enter a username and password for the IMMIX integration. You can also optionally check the Send Auto-Suppressed Alerts checkbox.

  3. At Cameras, click the drop-down menu to select your camera. Then, add the ID that matches what is in IMMIX for that camera.

  4. Click Save.

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Configure IMMIX Monitoring Information

  1. Test the connection between the XV Gateway and the Monitoring Center by triggering alarms and ensuring live video and events are being sent.

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